Luminita Dima – Moderator of the Conference “Difficult Issues in Labor Law”
On April 15, the Judicial Science Society organized the conference “Difficult issues in labor law” with the support of Juridice.ro, and in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, at the CCIR Business Center, Alexandru Ioan Cuza Amphitheatre.
The conference was structured into four series of discussions with four teams of speakers and a moderator for each.
Luminita Dima attended this event as a moderator on panel 2 of the discussions, along with the following guests: Mioara Aldea (judge), Alexandru Athanasiu (university professor), Catalin Micu (attorney at law) and Adriana Radu (attorney at law).
More information on this event and the other subjects discussed can be found at www.conferinte.juridice.ro.