Călin Bîrsan

Sorina Olaru, Partner in NNDKP’s Dispute Resolution practice, was one of the speakers in the webinar organized by the Dispute Resolution Board Foundation (DRBF), which was dedicated to examining the key differences between statutory adjudication, adjudication by dispute avoidance/adjudication boards, and arbitration.

14.09.2021 – By GEO 11/2021, it was enacted the use of the standard audit file for tax (D406 Informative Declaration), which will contain accounting data automatically extracted from the taxpayers’ accounting systems that is relevant for tax audits. Thus, an international standard direct reporting system is established, through which the taxpayers will submit tax reports, VAT reports to the fiscal authorities.

NNDKP successfully assisted and represented companies part of Efacec group, a supplier of solutions with presence in the energy, mobility and environment value chain, before the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania against Brăila County, a local administrative authority from Romania.

Andreea Ciubotaru

Adina Moldovan

16.11.2020 –ECJ confirms that the deductibility of VAT cannot be refused due to reasons related to the necessity of the acquisition or fiscal fraud committed by other taxable persons in the supply chain

16.09.2020 – On September 14, 2020, the High Court of Cassation and Justice (“HCCJ”) admitted the appeal in the interest of the law that will end tax authorities’ practice of extending by 1 year the five-year limitation period applicable with respect to profit tax, artificially and in breach of the relevant legal provisions.

La data de 25 mai 2018, Consiliul pentru Afaceri Economice și Financiare (ECOFIN) a adoptat amendamentele la Directiva privind cooperarea administrativă în domeniul fiscal (denumită colocvial DAC 6) în ceea ce privește schimbul automat obligatoriu de informații în domeniul fiscal cu privire la tranzacțiile transfrontaliere care fac obiectul raportării.

On 19 February 2020, NNDKP and Ziarul Financiar organized the Cluj-Napoca edition of the Legal & Tax conference titled “How do we manage tax and (macro)economics risks in 2020?” at Hotel Platinia in Cluj-Napoca.

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