Employment Flash No. 14/2020 – News on the templates for the documents necessary in order to access different types of state support and on some amendments of the measures imposed during the state of alert

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The Order of the President of the National Agency for Workforce Occupation no. 491/25.06.2020 on the amendment of Annex no. 3 of the Order of the  President of the National Agency for Workforce Occupation no. 457/2020 regarding the approval of the template documents provided by art. II, para. (2) of GEO no. 92/2020 has been published within the Official Gazette no. 566 dated 30 June 2020.

This normative act amends the template of the list of employees the employer has to submit, among other documents, in order to access the state support consisting in 41.5% of the gross base salary in case of certain employees (capped at 41.5% of the medium gross income). Thus, an additional heading is introduced, regarding the number of working hours from the month for which the state support is requested, according to the duration of work provided within the employment agreement.


The Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection no. 1107/30.06.2020 on the amendment of the Order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection no. 741/2020 regarding the approval of the template documents provided by art. XII, para. (1) of the GEO no. 30/2020 has been published within the Official Gazette no. 576 dated 1 July 2020.

This normative act establishes the new official templates for the three documents that need to be submitted by employers in order to access the state support for technical unemployment, namely the request, the affidavit and the list of employees in technical unemployment for which the state support is requested.

The main amendment is represented by the introduction of a table of the fields of activity where official restrictions apply (for example, in the field of organizing open-space events that take place with the participation of more than 50 persons), annexed to the affidavit, where the employer selects the restricted domain of activity where its activity is suspended, determining the placement of the employees in question in technical unemployment.


The Government Decision no. 511/01.07.2020 on the amendment and completion of annexes 1 and 3 of the GD no. 476/2020 regarding the prolongation of the state of alert has been published within the Official Gazette no. 577 dated 1 July 2020.

From the amendments and completions established by this normative act regarding the measures applicable during the current state of alert, we mention the permission to organize training courses and workshops for adults, with the participation of maximum 20 persons and in compliance with the social distancing rules.

The Romanian version of this newsletter is available here.

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