Alexandru Aparaschivei, Tax Partner, NNDKP Tax Advisory Services, joined as a speaker the online debate The E-Invoice could prove costly. The right treatment, organized by on June 20.
On June 13, NNDKP hosted for clients the event European Union Law in the conception and practice of authorities and courts. Tools, approaches, challenges and trends.
Valentin Voinescu, Partner in our Banking and Finance practice, was a speaker at the 13th edition of ZF Bankers Summit, a flagship event for the banking and finance market in Romania that took place on June 17-19 in Bucharest.
Sorina Olaru, Partner in the Dispute Resolution practice, was a speaker at the online debate on practical challenges of admissibility and evidence in arbitration, organized by on June 17.
On June 17-18, Ciprian Paun, Partner and Co-head of our Cluj-Napoca office, and Alexandru Aparaschivei, Tax Partner, NNDKP Tax Advisory Services, were speakers at the VAT Conference organized by Solomon publishing house at Pullman Bucharest World Trade Center.
On June 7, 2024, NNDKP hosted an Arbitration Networking Reception on the last day of the Bucharest Arbitration Days 2024.
On June 19-22, Florina Firaru, head of our IP practice, attended the ECTA 42nd Annual Conference in Antwerp, a key event for the industry which connects the worldwide community of IP practitioners.
On June 6-7, Adina Chilim-Dumitriu, Partner in our Corporate/M&A practice, participated in this year`s edition of the Balkan Legal Forum that took place in Sofia, on 6-7 June, having as central theme The Modern Lawyer.
On June 5-6, Valeriu Mina, Partner in our Dispute Resolution practice, attended the ODR Forum 2024, organized in Prague by PRK Partners law firm, and the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, a prestigious global conference on online dispute resolution.
On 28 May 2024, NNDKP organized the EU AI Act: First steps towards compliance webinar which focused on the legal updates introduced by the new regulation.