Authors: Florina Firaru, Dariana Istrate, Luciana Anghel

Romanian DPA case studies – our top 5 picks

Authors: Dariana Istrate and Luciana Anghel

Legea privind protecția avertizorilor în interes public a fost adoptată ieri, 29 iunie 2022, de către Camera Deputaților, cu o serie de amendamente față de varianta aprobată de Senat in luna aprilie a acestui an. Versiunea finală a legii nu este încă disponibilă pentru analiză.

We are proud to announce that NNDKP has partnered with the international law firm Simmons & Simmons to provide comprehensive information on the renewable energy sector in Romania. The information can be accessed on Simmons & Simmons’ Clean Energy Tool, an online platform for reliable legal and regulatory data across renewable energy jurisdictions.

With key offerings including a significant market (the second largest in CEE), EU-shaped legislation, NATO membership, and a well-educated work force in a hospitable and resource-rich and geographically privileged location at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Romania is a growing economy.

Authors: Roxana Abrasu and Daniel Stancescu

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