IT, Media and Telecommunications Newsletter No. 2/2010

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The Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (hereinafter referred to as “ANCOM”) no. 54/2010 for the amendment and supplementation of the Regulation of the military staff operating the Romanian radio-communications stations (“Decision 54/2010”) was published in the Official Gazette no. 80 dated February 5, 2010.

The main changes provided by Decision 54/2010 refer to:
– the method of extending the validity of the operators’ certificates which is different for the various types of certificate as follows:
(i) for the SMT certificates, the duration may be extended for 5 years provided that the titleholder of the certificate submits to ANCOM’s territorial structure that issued the certificate the proof of having actually worked as radio operator for at least 2 years during the validity period of the certificate;
(ii) for the SMAS, SMMS and SRCNI certificates, the duration may be extended for 5 years provided that the titleholder of the certificate attends a reconfirmation course with the preparation units with entered in collaboration protocols with ANCOM and passed the exam for the evaluation of the knowledge on the appropriate internal and international regulations related to the relevant radio-communications services.
– the possibility to release duplicates of the lost, deteriorated or destroyed certificates;
– the procedure to change the operator’s certificate in case the titleholder’s identification date are changed.

The Order of the Minister of Communications and IT no. 171/2010 on the market recall, the prohibition of the trade and use of the 2.4 GHz Wireless Acces Point, DWL-2100AP, D-Link equipment placed on the Romanian market by SC Asesoft Distribution SRL and the Order of the Minister of Communications and IT no. 172/2010 on the recall from the market, prohibition of the trade and use of the 2.4 GHz Wireless Acces Point, QA705401APE, Qubs 2 equipment placed on the Romanian market by SC Tornado Systems SRL were published in the Official Gazette no. 131 of February 26, 2010.

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