Tax Flash No. 8/2012

Order 518/2012 amending several Minister of Finance Orders was published in the Official Gazette 264/2012

  • The Order brings amendments on the application of certain VAT exemptions for the transactions regarding the construction of the sea vessels as provided in Order 2222/2006 approving the Instructions for the application of the VAT exemptions according to art. 143 par (1) letter a)-i), art.143 par (2) and art. 144¹ of the Fiscal Code and for certain transactions provided in Order 2389/2011 approving the Norms for the application of the VAT exemptions provided according to art. 143 par. (1) letter j), j¹), k), l) and m) of the Fiscal Code and Art. X and XI of the Treaty concluded between Romania and the United States of America (‚US’) on the statute of the US forces in Romania.
  • Also, Order 2795/2011 establishing the criteria for the VAT registration was amended, in the sense of extending the obligation for presenting proof that the administrators and/or shareholders did not commit the crimes provided under art. 2, par. (2) of the G.O. 75/2001 for all the shareholders of the limited liability companies.

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